1121C Military Cutoff Road, #360 | Wilmington, NC 28405
Toll-free:  1-800-316-8556

Introducing Metabolic Aftershock:
The World's First "Intelligent" Metabolic Training System that Features 45-Second Exercises Designed to Stimulate Your Metabolism to Burn Calories, Trim Fat and Sculpt Muscle for Up to 48 Hours After Your Workout is Over...

The days of long, boring workouts that waste time and get no results are over!

Metabolic Aftershock's lightening-fast 15 minute workouts are scientifically designed to help you get the most body-sculpting, energy-boosting, metabolism-enhancing results in the least time...

...all while improving overall health and well-being... without equipment, a gym, or burning up hours of precious free time! Just take a look at what the research shows that "intelligent" exercises can do:

Boosts Youth-Hormone HGH1


Enhances Heart Strength2


Boosts Energy Production2


Improves Lean Body Mass3


Increases Calories Burned4


Improves Belly Fat Loss5


Enhances Sluggish Metabolism6


  • 0%
  • 50%
  • 100%
  • 150%
  • 200%
  • 250%
  • 300%
  • 350%
  • 400%
"The scientific research shows how these ultra-short, equipment-free moves can help both women or men at any age get results that count."

Why Everything You've Been Told About Exercise and Burning Fat is Likely Flat Out WRONG...

An enormous body of recent research has shown that doing too much of the traditional, long, boring cardio like running, cycling, spinning or aerobics can actually backfire...7, 8, 9, 10

Forcing you to put on unwanted weight, draining you of energy and sending your hunger and cravings soaring.

The truth is... there's an easier, safer, and MUCH faster way to lose fat and sculpt lean muscle.

  • There's no need to sweat bullets on the treadmill or go for long runs...
  • No point pulling muscles lifting heavy weights at the crowded gym...
  • And no need to push yourself through insane infomercial workouts that stress your joints and ligaments and put you at risk of injuring your lower back, knees and shoulders...

That's exactly why I developed Metabolic Aftershock.

I'll tell you the whole story... including the important discovery I made while working with patients at my metabolic clinic.

This discovery led to the development of the "intelligent" exercises that are found in the Metabolic Aftershock program that's sweeping the nation, allowing men and women of all ages to burn fat, sculpt muscle and feel great all over again.

And you'll learn why I've found in my clinical experience that this discovery is by far the BEST option available for busy people who may be "just getting off the couch"...

But first, let me introduce myself.

Hi, I'm Dr. Jade Teta, and Here's What I've Discovered After Experimenting with over 10,000 Workouts...

Dr. Jade Teta

  • BS in Biochemistry
  • Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine
  • Personal Trainer for 25 years
  • Over 10,000 Personal Training Sessions
  • Inventor of Rest-Best Training

I'm an integrative physician and run a metabolic optimization clinic in North Carolina.

My clinic helps people not only lose fat, but more importantly, helps them repair their damaged, sluggish metabolisms, remove unwanted fat, firm up places that have gone soft, and re-boot their energy.

I've been a health and fitness junky ever since I was a kid.

And early on, I noticed something fascinating.

I would see all these people who ate healthy and worked out like crazy, yet their bodies STILL looked out of shape, they felt like crap and had no energy.

At best, they looked 'skinny fat'. Flappy arms, double chin, pudgy belly and a sagging butt. Not toned or tightened at all.

At the time, I just thought they must be cheating on their diets or skipping their workouts.

But I was wrong... and after much digging, I FINALLY discovered why.

Thanks to my integrated medical background (that is, training in BOTH medicine AND exercise science), I pinpointed exactly what we've ALL been doing wrong:

  • Pushing too long and hard. Yes, that can burn fat... but it can also burn off muscle and destroy the metabolism -- which is why the vast majority of "exercisers" don't see results.
  • Too one-dimensional. Workouts that only focus on cardio OR resistance training are based on outdated science. Plus, doing separate workouts for each can burn up a lot of time, taking away time from family, business or your favorite hobbies.
  • Too focused on calories. I discovered the HORMONAL effects of a workout are far more important than calories alone — and if the metabolism (a hormonal system) is stimulated correctly, one can burn fat for DAYS after a workout.

So I devised an "intelligent" workout that solves all 3 of these problems.

It is quick, efficient and can trigger a powerful cascade of hormones that burns fat, shapes muscle and fights aging for up to 48 hours AFTER the workout is over.

It's all about working SMARTER -- not longer or harder -- to help stimulate your metabolism to multiply the calorie-burning, muscle-sculpting benefits of your workout.

Here's what I mean...

What the Research Says About an
Intelligent Metabolic Workout...

A remarkable study published in 2008 in the International Journal of Obesity supports my hypothesis about "intelligent" workouts (and the real results I got with hundreds of patients at my clinic)... and shows just how dramatic the post-workout fat and calorie burn can be.11

Here's what you need to know:

  • More Calories Burned - The intelligent workout burned 66% MORE total calories vs. regular
  • Post-Workout Matters - Intelligent workout burned 484% MORE calories after the workout vs. regular
  • More Results in LESS Time - Intelligent workout generated BETTER results in less than half the time of a regular workout!
  • Burns Fat MUCH Better - Shockingly, the intelligent workout trimmed off 13% of body fat while the regular workout actually forced a gain of 2.1% of body fat.

Since then, study after study - plus my own experience with patients — has proven metabolic workouts are FAR

superior at burning fat, shaping muscle and fighting aging.

It's a form of high intensity interval training (HIIT), but with one HUGE difference.

Let me explain...

The Problem with High Intensity Training...

HIIT workouts have been too intense or dangerous for most people to do, which is why "intelligent" metabolic exercises has been a god-send for those looking to finally find something that works.

In fact, as soon as I incorporated this "smarter not harder" philosophy into my practice, my client success rate skyrocketed and the super-majority of my patients were getting fantastic results.

However, while that brought a smile to my face, I couldn't help but wonder why there was still a small remaining group of people who weren't getting the results they wanted.

So I dug in and what I discovered shocked me:

It all had to do with this weird belief that you should push ALL THE WAY through a workout... rather than giving yourself the rest your body is asking for.

It turns out, the secret to success for these remaining people was to rest. Yes, rest.

And for those people who "intelligent" metabolic exercises were already working gangbusters for? Well, adding this strategic resting component took their result to a whole new level.

Let me explain...

Why Resting DURING Your Workout is the Key to Getting The Results that You Want...12

Study Results: Why
Resting Burns MORE Fat

A 2011 study in the journal Psychophysiology showed just how powerful taking strategic rests when YOU want are.

Those who rested when they felt they needed, as opposed to at some pre-determined time, not only worked just as hard, but they performed better and in LESS total time.

Although it may seem counterintuitive, when YOU are given control over workout para-meters, you end up working out much harder and more consistently than you EVER thought possible.

Here's the thing with rest... people view it as a bad thing when it comes to working out.

In reality, it's the smart thing, here's why:

Resting enough allows you to recover enough so you're able to push your body hard enough to reach a crucial point called the "anaerobic threshold" or AR for short.

The AR sounds complicated, but it's really quite simple:

It's the point of exertion that signals to your body to unleash a torrent of extremely powerful metabolic hormones.

These hormones do things like:

  • tell your fat cells to release fat so it can be burned...
  • tell your muscles cells to get lean and strong...
  • tell your heart, lungs and brain to work more efficiently...

Traditional exercise fails to hit this AR threshold properly because it discourages you from resting when YOU need to.

And that's a huge mistake, because it's just flat out not correct from a biological standpoint to assume that everyone has the SAME fitness level, the SAME ability to push, the SAME ability to recover, and therefore will need rest at the same time...

Allowing people to rest when THEY want to, for as need as they need to recover properly, automatically customizes the workout to each person's own fitness level, which ultimately helps you get the most results from your workouts.

This is why Metabolic Aftershock has worked for so many people...

... everyone from those young and old, male and female, super-fit to those "just off the couch,"... and even those who've had injuries, heart problems or anything else that has affected their fitness level.

Just 15 Minutes, 3 Times a Week!
Now You Too Can Burn Fat, Sculpt Lean Muscle and Re-energize Your Body with Metabolic Aftershock...

I am thrilled I can now bring to you the same combination of intelligent 45-second moves and individualized rest.

The amazingly fast, efficient, effective and FUN metabolic workouts that were previously ONLY available in my clinic.

This package of 15-minute intelligent, rest-based video workouts is called Metabolic Aftershock™.

It contains 3 phases designed systematically wake-up, over-haul and optimize your metabolism based on a special sequence of movements I developed at my clinic by learning from the thousands of people I've trained.

Think about it like this...

Regular exercise registers like a small tremor in the body.

But the sessions in Metabolic Aftershock™ can act like a massive 8.0 earthquake to the metabolism...

...A seismic jolt that can set off a series of hormonal aftershocks that burn fat, tone muscle, and fight aging for up to 48 full hours afterwards.13

Why So Many of My Clients Love Metabolic Aftershock...

Upgrades Fat Burning

Intelligent metabolic exercises not only can help burn extra fat for 48 hours after the workout... but they can also upgrade a person's ability to burn fat for energy during normal daily activities. For example, whether sitting at work, driving in the car or sleeping, the total amount of energy that comes from burning fat increases -
almost like someone's body is working out for them.14, 15

Extremely Short...

Each exercise is only 45 seconds and each
video workout is only 15 minutes -- it's literally
over before you know it. And you only need to
do it 3 times a week -- ANYBODY can do that!

Varied and FUN...

You'll NEVER do the same workout
back-to-back. The workouts constantly change
-- shredding fat in new ways, keeping you
interested, making it FUN. You'll actually
look forward to the next session!

Super Efficient...

The 3-in-1 training -- cardio, resistance
and nervous system -- fortifies your heart, builds
core strength and improves coordination, bal-
ance and flexibility all at once. Instead of slog-
ging hours per week on each, you breeze
through them all in just 15 minutes.

Gets Results Fast...

The combination of 3-in-1 exercises, plus individualized rest can generate results faster than most people realize. For many people, it starts with a boost in energy, then moves to visible loss of body fat, and finally to strengthened, tightened and toned muscles.


There's NO equipment needed whatsoever.
All movements are done with just your own
bodyweight. That means you can do this at
home, in a hotel while travelling or
anywhere else you want.

Incredibly Motivating...

The incredibly fast results provides its own
powerful motivation for you to keep going.
No need to rely on willpower when you see
layer upon layer of fat come off, and others
start asking you "have you done
something new?".

Automatically Customized...

Because you rest when you need to, you can
customize the intensity of the workout to your
own fitness level. Plus, 3 different options for
each move -- easy, medium, advanced --
allows anybody at any age of any fitness
level, even with injuries, to enjoy the benefits.

Safe for Anyone...

All of the moves use ONLY bodyweight, no
heavy weights or expensive equipment.
The moves have been tested on thousands
of people to ensure they don't strain joints,
pressure the lower back or put you at risk
for pulling a muscle or worse.

The 3-Phase Metabolism-Boosting System...

Metabolic Aftershock™ is designed to keep you totally motivated by changing up the workouts each time as you progress through 3 phases.

That's really where this program shines compared to the usual boring, monotonous and motivation-KILLING exercise programs.

Each of these 3 phases is specifically sequenced to PRIME the metabolism and get it ready for its ULTIMATE fat burning capacity:

Phase #1: Create the Spark

Phase 1 provides the spark to REAWAKEN a sleeping metabolism. Think of this phase like upgrading the metabolic spark plugs that bring the metabolic engine to life:

  • Full body movements build real, functional fitness, forcing the body to adapt and build coordination AND balance...
  • A whole-body metabolic stimulus that IGNITES fat burning and muscle shaping in a way isolated exercises simply CANNOT achieve...16
  • And special "metabolic finishers" that naturally elevate growth hormone — the fat-burning, skin-tightening hormone of our youth...17

Phase #2: Light the Fire

Phase 2 cranks up the metabolic heat and brings fat-burning to the next level. Here, we'll emphasize toning, tightening and shaping muscle — something that becomes INCREASINGLY difficult with age:

  • Special exercises called up-chains build the infrastructure to BURN fat and SHAPE muscle...17 18 19 20
  • A flood of special muscle molecules (myokines) build blood vessels and mitochondria - all pieces of an enhanced fat burning metabolic infrastructure.21
  • Plus, one special movement emphasized in each workout delivers an extra punch of toning, tightening and shaping to muscles.

Phase #3: Fan the Flames

This final phase is like dumping GASOLINE on the metabolic fire started in phase 2. Here's where most people start seeing REAL visible results, the outlines of strong, toned muscle, and clothes starting to fit better.*

  • This series of exercises called "metabolic chains" burn fat at a rapid rate, while at the SAME time firming and tightening muscles...*
  • Hormones responsible for burning fat-catecholamines-get an extra boost...
  • And, a combination of full body movements that create a ton of HEAT, SWEAT, and calorie BURN.

Metabolic Aftershock's Youth-Enhancing Bonus...

This groundbreaking hyper-efficient workout system isn't just about looking good...

...the powerful "metabolic molecules" it can stimulate can rebuild, regenerate and rejuvenate your body and brain, helping keep someone both feeling and looking young.

Just look at the startling findings from two studies published in 2008 in Circulation, The Journal of the American Heart Association:22, 23

Boosts Odds of a Longer Life:

  • VO2max has been proven to be THE strongest single predictor of dying from ANYTHING.
  • The "Intelligent" workouts boosted VO2max by 118% more than regular cardio.

Strengthens Heart:

  • Your heart strength is measured by how much oxygen your heart uses per beat.
  • "Intelligent" workouts increased heart strength by 215% MORE than those doing regular workouts.

Optimizes Cholesterol:

  • HDL, the "good" protective cholesterol, is notoriously difficult to increase.
  • Yet, "intelligent" exercise raised HDL by 25%, while it didn't change for regular exercisers.

Improves Blood Flow:

  • Your cells depend on blood flow to deliver life-giving oxygen and energizing nutrients.
  • "Intelligent" exercise improved blood flow by 80% more than for those doing regular exercise.

Increases Energy:

  • You need lots of cellular energy-factories (mitochondria) to power you the whole day.
  • "Intelligent" exercise created 138% MORE mitochondria while regular exercise didn't at all.

Lowers Blood Pressure:

  • High blood pressure hardens your arteries, skyrocketing your risk for a heart attack or stroke.
  • Thankfully, "intelligent" exercise lowered systolic blood pressure by 7.6% and diastolic by 6.3%.

My Clients Pay Me Thousands for This...
But You Can Get it At a Fraction of the Price

You COULD hire me privately to teach you this program, but I charge a minimum of $400 per hour for private clients. (And, you'd have to meet me where I'm at... either in Santa Monica or at my clinic in Winston-Salem.)

And I would put you through the exact same routine as I've recorded for you on the Metabolic Aftershock™ DVDs.

So instead of all that money and hassle, allow me to give you the same cutting edge "intelligent" program on your OWN terms, exactly WHEN you want, in the comfort of your OWN home, and at a FRACTION of seeing me in person.

Metabolic Aftershock™ is a 3-DVD set worth $197 (video download option available).

And it's a steal at that price.

However, I'm on a mission to help ONE MILLION people re-boot their metabolisms and change their lives with Metabolic Aftershock™.

My publisher — the fantastic folks at Natural Health Sherpa — are on the same mission.

So we've arranged to get you a VERY special, limited time discount, as you'll see below.

And there's ZERO risk to you because...

You're Totally Covered With My 100% Risk-Free 90-Day Triple Money-Back Guarantee...

60 day money back guaranteed

Look, I've done enough training over the past 25 years with thousands of clients and 10,000+ workouts to know that Metabolic Aftershock™ just flat out works.

That's why I have no issue taking ALL the risk... and putting my triple results guarantee on Metabolic Aftershock.

Let's face it, results are what matter. So if in the odd chance you don't see the results you want, you'll get your money back (less the small S&H fee)!

  • Results Promise #1: ANYBODY Can Do it...

    Men, women, young, old, in shape, out of shape, over-weight or under-motivated -- doesn't matter, it works for all, anyone can do it. If you CAN'T, it's on me.

  • Results Promise #2: Get Results Fast...

    In my experience, everyone who puts in the measly 15 minutes, 3 times per week sees results FAST -- VISIBLE results -- like tighter muscles, a leaner tummy, reduced "trouble spots" and healthier skin. If you DON'T, it's on me.

  • Results Promise #3: Stay Motivated...

    Finally, but most importantly -- because these routines are FUN, FAST, CONVENIENT, and produce RESULTS, It's the most motivating workout I've seen anywhere on the planet, and I've seen many. If you AREN'T motivated, it's on me!

Metabolic Aftershock Customer Service Available 24/7 via Phone or Email to Handle Your Refund Request

If you don't feel Metabolic Aftershock meets ALL of these assurances, feel free to drop my customer service team a line at 800-316-8556 or email them at support@naturalhealthsherpa.com and you'll get a 100% no-questions-asked refund.

If you purchased the digital version we will refund you on the spot. If you purchased a physical copy, once we receive the item back we will process the refund. No exit survey, no if's, and's, or but's... just your money back, processed immediately.

Here's Your Special, Limited-Time Pricing:

I am not sure how long this incredible discount will be available, so I urge you to take action now, pocket the immediate savings and get going.

Check the Box Below Next to Your Preferred Option

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Get the digital copy emailed directly to you, available for instant downloading today!

Today's Price: $74 $37Sale 50% off

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Today's Price: $74 $37 + S&HSale 50% off

Get These 4 Metabolism-Boosting Bonuses When You Add Metabolic Aftershock to Your Order Today...

Working with thousands of clients has taught me one crucial lesson:

Every person's body responds differently to exercise.

That's why I've included these 4 bonus gifts that help you customize Metabolic Aftershock to your own body, so you can get the most body-sculpting results in the least time:

BONUS #1: Step-by-Step Metabolic Blueprint...
  • Discover Dr. Jade's clinically proven metabolism-boosting and energy-boosting secrets...
  • Get step-by-step detail on how to customize the program based on how your specific body responds...

Value $37

BONUS #2: Body Transformation Blueprint...
  • Pinpoints precisely where you're losing fat and sculpting new lean muscle -this is HIGHLY motivating!
  • Determine whether your metabolic hormones are being optimized or if you need to change course...

Value $27

BONUS #3: Dr. Teta's Proven Plateau Busters...
  • Shows you how to eat specific types of carbs to bust through the inevitable plateaus you encounter...
  • Eating carbs precisely when your body is primed can send a powerful fat burning, muscle-sculpting...

Value $27

BONUS #4: Rapid Results Quick Start Guide...
  • Get a rapid 7-day protocol to get your metabolic hormones cranking and start burning fat ASAP
  • This "cliff notes" guide is perfect for those who hate to read and just want to jump into the "good stuff"...

Value $17

"Don't Believe Me, Just Try It!"

Listen... you may think you've seen every fat-stripping workout program known to man.

For instance...

  • Cardio. Running, cycling, or doing aerobics for hours on end not only drives up your stress and hunger hormones, but it does very little to burn fat... even worse, it makes muscles saggy.
  • Or Weight Lifting. Most strength routines are designed to add bulk!
  • Or how about Interval Training. Though it's a step in the right direction in terms of fat burning, it's been proven to be too intense for folks with injuries or those in their 50s, 60s or 70s.
  • Or maybe CrossFit. There's a reason why CrossFit is an orthopedic surgeon's best friend - TONS of injuries! Watch out!
  • And Yoga. Overall fantastic at coordination, flexibility and functional strength, but the effort in for fat-burning out isn't great.

Reality is... while each of these exercises have some good qualities, they're all lousy at generating significant fat loss -- especially for women and men over 35.

And 10,000+ workouts... not to mention the thousands of people who've gone through Metabolic Aftershock successfully... have all convinced me that this system isn't just the BETTER move... it's the SMARTER move.

This fat burning, youth-enhancing system is specifically designed for busy people to help them get the MOST amount of results in the LEAST amount of time:

  • Workouts are Just 15 Minutes, 3 Times a Week...
  • Exercises Are a Lightening-Fast 45 Seconds...
  • Shreds Fat and Sculpts Muscle for 48 Hours After...
  • No Gym Needed, Can be Done Anywhere...
  • Variations for Beginners or Those With Limitations...
  • Advanced Options for Those Wanting "Hard Core"...

Bottom line...

Metabolic Aftershock™ is designed to be simple and easy-to-follow for the long term.

It's designed to be effective and do-able.

It's designed to get RESULTS.

And allow you to KEEP getting results, because it's so easy to integrate into your busy life.

I can ONLY say this confidently because of my work with thousands of clients in person, face to face. There's no arguing the actual results that I've seen.

And if you get started and DON'T agree with me, you won't pay a penny.

Naturally yours,

Dr. Jade Teta

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Today's Price: $74 $37Sale 50% off

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1 Felsing, NANCY E., J. A. Brasel, and D. M. Cooper. "Effect of low and high intensity exercise on circulating growth hormone in men." The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 75.1 (1992): 157-162.

2 Tjønna, Arnt Erik, et al. "Aerobic Interval Training Versus Continuous Moderate Exercise as a Treatment for the Metabolic Syndrome A Pilot Study." Circulation 118.4 (2008): 346-354.

3 Davis, et. al. Concurrent training enhances athletes' strength, muscle endurance, and other measures. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2008;22(5):1487-1502.

4 Scott, Christopher. "Misconceptions about aerobic and anaerobic energy expenditure." Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2.2 (2005): 32-37.

5 Boudou, P., et al. "Absence of exercise-induced variations in adiponectin levels despite decreased abdominal adiposity and improved insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetic men." European Journal of Endocrinology 149.5 (2003): 421-424.

6 Schuenke, Mark D., Richard P. Mikat, and Jeffrey M. McBride. "Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption: implications for body mass management." European journal of applied physiology 86.5 (2002): 411-417.

7 Karamouzis, Ioannis, et al. "The effects of marathon swimming on serum leptin and plasma neuropeptide Y levels." Clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine 40.2 (2002): 132-136.

8 Plinta, R., et al. "The effect of three-month pre-season preparatory period and short-term exercise on plasma leptin, adiponectin, visfatin, and ghrelin levels in young female handball and basketball players." Journal of endocrinological investigation 35.6 (2012): 595-601.

9 Shakeri, Nader, et al. "The effect of different types of exercise on the testosterone/cortisol ratio in untrained young males." Age (y) 22.1.9 (2012): 21-9.

10 Broom et. al. Influence of resistance and aerobic exercise on hunger, circulating levels of acylated ghrelin, and peptide YY in healthy males. 2009;296(1):R29-35.

11 Trapp, E. G., et al. "The effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women." International journal of obesity 32.4 (2008): 684-691.

12 Edwards, Andrew M., et al. "Self-pacing in interval training: A teleoanticipatory approach." Psychophysiology 48.1 (2011): 136-141.

13 Scott, Christopher. "Misconceptions about aerobic and anaerobic energy expenditure." Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2.2 (2005): 32-37.

14 Davis, et. al. "Concurrent training enhances athletes' strength, muscle endurance, and other measures." Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2008;22(5):1487-1502.

15 Scott, Christopher. "Misconceptions about aerobic and anaerobic energy expenditure." Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2.2 (2005): 32-37.

16 Felsing, NANCY E., J. A. Brasel, and D. M. Cooper. "Effect of low and high intensity exercise on circulating growth hormone in men." The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 75.1 (1992): 157-162.

17 Davis, et. al. "Concurrent training enhances athletes' strength, muscle endurance, and other measures." Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2008;22(5):1487-1502.

18 Scott, Christopher. "Misconceptions about aerobic and anaerobic energy expenditure." Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2.2 (2005): 32-37.

19 Schuenke, Mark D., Richard P. Mikat, and Jeffrey M. McBride. "Effect of an acute period of resistance exercise on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption: implications for body mass management." European journal of applied physiology 86.5 (2002): 411-417.

20 Scott, Christopher. "Misconceptions about aerobic and anaerobic energy expenditure." Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 2.2 (2005): 32-37.

21 Pedersen, Bente Klarlund, et al. "The cytokine response to strenuous exercise." Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 76.5 (1998): 505-511.

22 Tjønna, Arnt Erik, et al. "Aerobic Interval Training Versus Continuous Moderate Exercise as a Treatment for the Metabolic Syndrome A Pilot Study." Circulation 118.4 (2008): 346-354.

23 Wisløff, Ulrik, et al. "Superior cardiovascular effect of aerobic interval training versus moderate continuous training in heart failure patients a randomized study." Circulation 115.24 (2007): 3086-3094.