The 3 Metabolic Signals that Determine if Your Workout is Torching Fat and Toning Muscle OR Just Wasting Your Time...

Urgent Health Alert

Ignore these 3 signals and you could be at severe risk for slowing your metabolism, accelerating aging and damaging your sensitive thyroid and adrenal glands...

Time Magazine tells
us to Eat Butter

A recent issue of Time magazine showed a shocking headline on the cover:

"Eat Butter. Scientists labeled fat the enemy. Why they were wrong."

We were told for YEARS that eating fat made us fat. Yet the science NEVER supported that.

Now we know the truth. BUT…

When it comes to exercise… we’re still using scientifically-disproven, outdated ideas that are actually making us fatter... and aging us faster.

For years we've been told that sweating until we drop… torturing ourselves in crowded gyms… pummeling our bodies with boot-camp style workouts would burn fat…

More Pain More Gain, Right? Bzzzt… Wrong!

Pushing yourself until your body can take no more simply doesn’t work.

  • People are getting injured...
  • They are becoming fatter...
  • They are looking older...
  • And they are NOT getting the results they need!
This same science explains
why sprinters look like
Spartans and long runners
look like string...

But here's the GOOD NEWS…just like research now shows that eating fat is good...

… brand new research is now clarifying precisely how to get the body-shaping, energy-boosting, age-slowing results we want from exercise... but without causing your metabolism to fight back.

Here’s the secret: When you exercise intelligently -- using the methods revealed below -- your metabolism broadcasts 3 different signals that confirm your efforts are burning fat and toning muscle instead of wasting your time.

These "intelligent" workouts -- which take only 15-20 minutes, 3 times a week -- produce the 3 metabolic signals that torch fat, shape muscle and keep your fat burning engines humming for as long as 72 hours after your workout is finished.

So, say goodbye to miles and miles on the treadmill as you stare at the wall, injuring yourself with heavy weight, or hours of ankle-spraining crazy cardio that just sends your appetite soaring.

When you know how to “tune in” to these 3 signals… you can focus on the rare type of workouts that actually DO get results... and spend more time with friends, family or doing whatever it is that you love the most.

Here are those 3 signals...

Metabolic Signal #1:

Triggers the Afterburn...

Do you feel out of breath after your workout?

When you’re breathless it means you're challenging your heart and lungs to the point where they respond by sending out a metabolic distress signal that releases catecholamines.

And that's important because catecholamines are your primary fueling hormones. They douse your metabolic fire with gas by ripping apart body fat and burning it off for energy.

Getting breathless also triggers the afterburn, a little known phenomenon in which a tremendous amount of fat-burning and muscle-toning happens after the workout is finished.

That's when your metabolism stays revved on high, burning up calories and torching fat for 2-3 days after your workout.

But that ONLY happens when you get breathless in
the optimal way.

And what’s the best way to do that?

A 2002 study in the European Journal of Applied Psychology revealed the best way is with a certain type of short, snappy workout that takes only 15-20 minutes to complete and boosts your metabolism by 21% for up to 72 hours after your workout.ii

More on that in just a sec. Next up is signal #2...

Metabolic Signal #2:

Unleashes the Metabolic Smoke...

Have you ever felt the burn when working out? The sensation that tells you you’ve hit the wall?

Scientists used to think this burning feeling was actually caused by “metabolic garbage” building up as you worked out.

But NEW research blows that out of the water…

The burning sensation is actually a CRUCIAL metabolic signal that initiates a tremendous amount of fat burning and muscle toning, so says a 2009 study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.iii

That's because this metabolic smoke signal triggers your body to release your #1 anti-aging hormone -- HGH.

HGH saturates your cells… repairs them from the inside out… improves your body composition… makes your skin supple and gives you healthy bones.iv

And that's critical because once you hit the age 30, your HGH levels drop dramatically, which in part is what drives the aging process.

So how do you unleash this metabolic smoke signal? Remarkably NOT by spending more time in the gym or pounding the pavement.

Only 15-20 minutes of an extremely efficient workout -- as you'll see in just a moment -- is enough to trigger that smoke.


Metabolic Signal #3:

Activates Your "Motivation" Muscles...

No doubt you’ve already experienced this signal when lifting something heavy -- the straining, huffing and puffing are all signs you're activating type II muscle fibers.

And that's critical because activating type II muscle fibers is what triggers the production of testosterone -- something important for both men AND women.

Testosterone helps women strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis, while also providing a big lift to mood by relieving stress and anxiety.v

For men, testosterone boosts drive and motivation and builds nicely sculpted muscles and a powerful, vii

And that's critical because testosterone plummets (in both men and women) as we get older so make sure you use this “heavy effect.”

WARNING: beware of traditional long cardio workouts as research has shown that they can actually drain you of that motivation-boosting, stress-relieving testosterone by 25% or more.viii

But don’t panic…you don’t need to burst a blood vessel lifting heavy weights. You can use your own bodyweight when you make use of this revolutionary new metabolism-boosting approach to exercise that's explained below.

Urgent Warning
Avoid this #1 Mistake Or Your
Metabolic Workouts May Backfire...

There's a common mistake most people make when designing an optimal "metabolic" workout:

They dedicate separate workouts to generating each of those signals, which is a HUGE investment of time that not all of us have... and that most of us can't stick to.

One day they may do resistance training to get the "heavy" effect. And the next they may do cardio to trigger the "breathless" effect.

And when they have time they may squeeze in a high intensity workout to generate the "burn".

That chews up an awful lot of time, forcing you to miss out on joys that life has to offer.

Like spending time with your kids, working on your favorite hobby or just relaxing on the couch, taking a break from the mental stresses of the day.

But the worst part is that when your workouts take up too much time, guess what happens?

You STOP doing them!!!

So the answer is to get breathless, get the burn and go heavy ALL at the same time, all in the same workout and in the LEAST amount of time possible.

But doing that is easier said than done -- wouldn't it be great if all of these workouts were already designed for you? Thankfully they now are...

15 Minute Done-for-You "Intelligent" Workouts that Optimize All 3 Metabolic Signals to Torch Fat, Tone Muscle and Slam the Breaks on Aging...

(New Video Workouts Delivered Weekly!!!)

Sure, you could take a crack at designing the optimal metabolic workout that simultaneously triggers the breathless, burning and heavy affect as you try to activate that all-powerful afterburn, which is where the real magic happens.

But it can get confusing to know precisely which exercises to use, in which specific sequence, and how to rotate them to get the most results in the least time... without your metabolism fighting back... and without risking any injury.

And let's face it, we are all SO busy, short on time and just want something that works right now.

Thankfully, now it's possible to get these properly designed metabolic workouts that optimize all 3 metabolic signals, all whileactivating that all-important metabolic afterburn.

  • These workouts, which are specifically designed to get the most results in the least amount of time, are called "intelligent" workouts.
  • They take only 15-20 minutes 3 times a week to re-shape your body, re-vitalize your health and re-boot your metabolism.
  • The best part is that they work regardless of what age you are, what your weight is or what your current fitness level is.

You can now get access to these done-for-you "intelligent" workouts thanks to the recent launch of the Metabolic Mastery Club -- an exclusive VIP club that provides the lifelong resources for mastering your metabolism, burning fat and staying trim, happy and healthy for good.

When you become a member of the Metabolic Master Club (it's only $1 to try it out, more on that below), you get unlimited lifetime access to our powerful database of "intelligent" metabolic workouts that will have you torching fat and toning muscle in no time.

Plus you get access to 4 other potent metabolism-boosting tools that will help accelerate your goal of
achieving your ideal weight and health.

But before we get to those other tools, let's take a closer look at just how powerful these "intelligent" metabolic workouts are...

Why These 15 Minute "Intelligent"
Workouts Torch SO Much Fat and Tone
SO Much Muscle in Such Little Time...

Dr. Jade Teta

  • BS in Biochemistry
  • Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine
  • Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
  • Personal Trainer for 25 years
  • Over 10,000 Personal Training Sessions
  • Inventor of Rest-Best Training

These are short, simple, but powerful workouts that can fit into any person's schedule, are fun to do and perfect for people of all fitness types.

But how exactly is that possible?

Because they are designed by one of the Metabolic Mastery Club faculty members Dr. Jade Teta, a world-renowned metabolic expert, who discovered -- after doing over 10,000 workouts with clients -- how to get the most results in the least amount of time.

Most people make the mistake of thinking that working out harder, longer or more often is the answer -- that burning the most calories during the workout is the key.

But as you've learned, working out too much can cause your metabolism to fight back, as your hunger and energy skyrocket while your energy tanks to compensate.

That's why you see so many people who go on those long runs, spin classes and even hot yoga but have nothing to show for it. All that work with not much, if any fat loss.

What's great is that not only do Dr. Teta's special "intelligent" workouts prevent your metabolism from fighting back, they also avoid another dreaded metabolic phenomenon that can completely slam the door on progress.

It's called the adaptation wall. When you do the same thing exercise and over -- even if it's an "intelligent" metabolic workout -- your metabolism will catch on, adapt and stop responding, shutting down fat burning.

Fortunately, you can sneak around this adaptation wall by constantly switching things up, giving your metabolism new challenges to respond to, burning up even more fat, toning even more saggy muscles and more.

To do that you need brand new weekly workouts that keep your metabolism guessing.

Just as it's about to get used to your workout routine -- bam! -- that's when as a member of the Metabolic Mastery Club, you'll get a fresh set of new weekly workouts to stimulate your metabolism to get even more results.

But getting fresh weekly routines is just one reason why so many of our Metabolic Mastery Club members love these "intelligent" workouts... here are a few others:

It Takes Only Minutes...NOT Hours...

  • Each sequence of 45-second movements makes up just 15 minutes of TOTAL workout time.
  • That’s a measly 15 minutes, 3 times a week!!!
  • And remember... the movements are carefully sequenced in a way that
    makes the workout not only FUN but fly by!

Gives You a SEXY Body Shape...

  • Whether you are a man or woman, young or old, the hormonal soup that's unleashed by this "intelligent" workout will automatically re-shape your body to be much more attractive.
  • Women get more of that sexy, curved hourglass shape with a more narrow waist and more attractive hips.
  • And men more of that lean, powerful v-shape with a broader chest/back and narrower waist.

Gets Results FAST, Keeping You Motivated...

  • We’re talking days not weeks. You’ll see and FEEL the difference after only a handful of sessions.
  • The first thing you'll notice is more energy.
  • And getting more energy is incredibly motivating, making it a certainty you'll stick with the program... you'll become addicted.

You’ll Look and Feel Younger...

  • You'll flood your body and brain with a powerful cocktail of anti-aging biochemicals that combat inflammation and oxidative stress -- two forces that dramatically accelerate aging.
  • Men relish the surge in testosterone that increases sex drive, improves mood and builds muscle.
  • And women enjoy a rush of HGH, the skin-tightening, muscle-toning, fat-burning hormone of our youth.

It's Ultra-convenient...

  • Hate the gym? Don't like being around muscle-heads? No problem! No need for ANY equipment or to travel anywhere!
  • You can do this from the comfort of your home... and even in your hotel room when travelling.
  • Perfect for busy executives, stay at home moms, those who travel a lot or who are just plain crazy busy!

What's Your Goal?
Burn Fat? Tone or Build Muscle? Both?
No Problem -- There's Something for Everyone...

Here's something else our VIP members simply can't get enough of: there's something for everyone, regardless of what your goal is.

If you want to focus on burning fat -- we've got a bunch of powerful workouts for you. If it's to tone those saggy, less-than-flattering muscles, we've got something for you as well.

And if you want to get crazy and both burn fat and tone muscle at the exact same time? Well, we've got you covered there as too:

  • Fat Loss, Muscle Toning or Both - Some workouts will be focused on fat burning, some more on muscle toning and some that incorporate BOTH in a highly challenging way, allowing you to pick whichever goal is more important to you... or switching goals as you need to.
  • 10x Increase in Fat Burning - A more advanced set of workouts integrate cardio-based movements WITH using light weights in a scientifically proven way that increases fat burning by 10 times over traditional approaches, while improving muscle toning by 82%.
  • Step Up to the "Hard Core" Option - If you want the ultimate in athletic conditioning, you'll love the challenge of advanced metabolic chains. These are HIGHLY taxing metabolic workouts that will leave you shocked at how much stubborn fat these movements torch and how toned, tightened and nicely-shaped your muscles become.

You can get access to these fresh new weekly metabolism-boosting, fat-burning, muscle-toning, mouth-watering "intelligent" workouts as part of your $1 trial to The Metabolic Mastery Club.

So what the heck is that exactly and how can you get started?
Glad you asked.

Introducing the Metabolic Mastery Club: A Private VIP Club that Gets You Lifelong Access to Metabolism-Boosting Recipes, Fat Burning Workouts and Cutting Edge Muscle-Toning, Anti-Aging Insights to Keep you Trim, Fit, Happy and Healthy For life...

Have you ever wondered what healthy, fit and skinny people do differently than those who are overweight, struggle with belly fat and are sapped for energy?

And what is it that people who lose weight and keep it off do differently than those who bounce from one diet to the next in a never-ending struggle to figure out how to lose weight?

What's their secret?

Well, the secret is really is no secret at all -- they simply engage in very specific day-to-day habits that support a healthy, fat burning metabolism while also avoiding the destructive behaviors that damage metabolism and force you to store fat.

But understanding what these day-to-day habits are -- and most importantly, actually doing them -- can be a struggle.

And the sad reality is that today’s world is loaded with traps, temptations and other pitfalls that can totally sabotage your success -- like dangerous toxins, blocked hormones, hidden food allergens, an unsupportive spouse or family, a traumatic life event or something else.

Which is why we are so excited to extend to you an exclusive invitation to try out The Metabolic Mastery Club.

This special VIP club is a one-stop-shop for everything you need to reboot your metabolism, shed unwanted fat, overhaul your health and get your body, brain and life back while also helping you avoid those metabolic landmines that can wipe out your progress and set you back.

Getting your ideal body and brain is not something that happens overnight... after all, most of us have spent years engaging in habits that caused the damage we are suffering from now.

But the good news is that when you combine the right tools with the right advice on how to easily integrate them into your daily life, you can very quickly get a metabolic makeover and put yourself on the path to once and for all losing weight and getting happy and healthy.

And the better news is that with your $1 trial, not only do you get those delicious fat burning recipes, you also get at least 3 other metabolism-maximizing tools -- read more below.

Metabolic Maximizing Tool #1

Boost Fat Loss Results by 50% with These
Delicious Recipes that Allow You to Strategically
Indulge in Your Favorite "Forbidden Carbs"...

(Hint: Do This to Keep Your Metabolism Revved So You
Are Never Frustrated by a Fat Loss Plateau Again...)

There's an important saying in the bodybuilding world that anybody who is looking to lose fat needs to pay attention to: "you can't out-train a bad diet."

Truer words have never been spoken...

If you are eating like crap -- even if you are working out intelligently -- the scale is going to go in the opposite direction that you want it to.

But when you synchronize your eating to create a metabolic response that's in harmony with your metabolic workouts, you can dramatically improve your overall results.

Believe it or not, eating the right carbs, at the right time -- yes, even those "forbidden" carbs you thought you could never eat again -- plays a central role in keeping your metabolic engines humming. More on that in a second.

The challenge is knowing how to prepare metabolism-boosting recipes that are both convenient and delicious -- two key factors that you help you stick to an eating plan for good.

And making matters more difficult is that metabolism-killing additives and chemicals are EVERYWHERE, hidden in some of the most common "healthy" foods we eat every day.

That's why our metabolic recipe database (that you get access during your $1 trial to The Metabolic Mastery Club) is such a big hit with our members.

Not only have these recipes have been designed by an award-winning gourmet chef with careful oversight from a highly trained nutritionist to get your metabolic engines humming -- and keep them revving for good...

...but they also avoid the worst metabolic killers that can send you from fat burning mode to fat storage mode in the blink of an eye.

Best of all is that new recipes are added on a weekly basis, providing you fresh delicious choices to keep your metabolism revved up and squarely in fat burning territory.

Just check out few examples of these delicious fat burning metabolic recipes below:

Step #1: Activate Fat Burning

Fire Up Your Fat Burning Engines With These
Mouth-Watering "Smart" Carb Recipes...

The first step is to convince your metabolism to burn fat is to get your fat burning hormones turned on and your fat storage hormones turned off.

The fastest way to do that is to eat "smart" carb meals that have the proper nutrients that fuel your fat burning metabolism, while avoiding the carbs that block your fat burning hormones.

Take a look at just a few examples of these "smart" carb meals you'll instantly get access to when after you start your $1 trial to the Metabolic Mastery Club.

These recipes are quick and easy to make -- most can be made in 15-20 minutes (some as quickly as 5 minutes) and there are NO strange ingredients that you'll have trouble finding at the store.

Burger with Sliced Avocado - Who doesn't love a mouth-watering burger for lunch or dinner? The addition of chipotle peppers gives it a slight kick to keep your taste buds tantalized and the avocado contains a special heart-healthy fat called oleic acid that has been shown to control appetite while boosting energy and metabolism.

Buffalo Chicken Fingers - Get ready for a finger-lickin' good meal. This restaurant inspired spin on Buffalo Wings will have any finger food fan clamoring for more. A side of special veggies powers up this meal with the fiber and nutrients to get your metabolism humming.

Southwestern Steak Salad - This savory steak salad with creamy lime dressing that clings to the leaves will soon be a regular on your dinner table. Just the right combination of spices will light up your taste buds while also delivering a hefty dose of metabolism-protecting antioxidants.

Step #2: Stimulate Your Metabolism to Burn More

KEEP Your Metabolism Revving and Avoid Plateaus
by Intentionally Devouring These "Forbidden" Foods...

Step #1 gets you into fat burning mode and the results start to come. But after a while, your metabolism catches on, sensing something is up and begins to fight back.

Your weight loss stalls, your hunger and cravings skyrocket and you feel like crap -- when that happens, you can be sure a plateau has arrived.

At this point, most people eat less and exercise more, but that just backfires and your metabolism doubles down on its efforts to do whatever it hold on to your body fat.

DO NOT MAKE THIS MISTAKE -- you need to do something different, which is why this next step #2 is SO crucial.

Free Report

How Skinny People Eat Carbs and Never Get Fat

When you take your $1 trial to Metabolic Mastery Club today, you'll also receive, free of charge, the official carb-feast rule book that shows you exactly how to use these metabolic meals to achieve your ideal weight.

This is the fun part where you get to devour those forbidden foods you were told were "off limits", but in a very strategic way that stimulates your metabolism to start burning off that stubborn body fat once again.

But get this part wrong and you could snuff out your metabolic fire, which is why in addition to providing you these delicious carb "feast" recipes below, you also get access to a special report that shows you precisely how to use them for the best results.

These special meals are called carb "feasts" and their use is a closely guarded secret that bodybuilders and fitness models use to get into ridiculously good shape.

So instead of feeling guilty when you indulge, you'll feel smart, empowered and relieved because you know you are intentionally spiking your metabolism and preventing those fat loss plateaus from halting your progress.

Imagine sinking your teeth into these tasty treats, but without the guilty feeling, knowing you are providing your metabolism with the fuel to slim down your physique:

Beef Nachos Grande - Who doesn't love a plate piled full of nachos? This is the ultimate in indulgence as each crunchy bite tantalizes your taste buds with a variety of mild spices. Want more heat? No problem, just turn up the jalapenos and salsa!

Meaty Parmesan Lasagna - Craving Grandma’s Italian sauce? Zesty herbs and spices give this filling that real Italian homemade flavor. Grated Parmesan provides this meaty tomato-based lasagna a delicious crusty top that you can sink your teeth into, one guiltless bite after another.

Fully Loaded Potato Skins - Love to order that appetizer portion of potato skins at your neighborhood restaurant? Then you’ll enjoy this full-sized portion of tasty tater skins that are busting with irresistible toppings such as crumbled bacon, sour cream and salsa.

Delight in These Delicious Desserts...

And don't forget about dessert -- that's a key part of your carb feast and critical to sending the signal to fire up your metabolism so you don't run into any fat loss plateaus. Yes, you can now use dessert to your advantage.

Chocolaty Waffle Sundae - Warm waffles, cold dark chocolate ice cream, delicious toppings -- it's like taking a trip to the ice cream parlor when you were young. The crunch of the waffle combined with the sweetness of ice cream and toppings will keep you coming back for more.

Fantastic Fudgy Brownie - Remember getting fudge when you went to the beach as a kid or on a special occasion? These dense, deep chocolate brownies deliver the same ear-to-ear grin. The decadent ingredients like cocoa and butter make this one hard to resist.

Mini-caramel Swirl Cheesecake - These buttery caramel cheesecakes are to die for! They're so good you'll add them to the menu next time you have guests over! For gourmet flare, sprinkle a dash of sea salt for the “salted caramel cheesecake” that you’ll feel proud to serve to any foodie.

Simply Spectacular Fat-Burning Smoothies...

Last but not least are our tasty smoothie concoctions -- perfect for a quick breakfast, when you are on the go or just need a quick pick-me-up and you are short on time. These are absolutely loaded with metabolism-boosting ingredients while steering clear from those metabolic killers:

Chocolate Almond Crunch - Chocolate, almonds and butter blend together for a creamy, rich breakfast shake that you can make in under 5 minutes and take on the run. It's like eating a "healthy" candy bar for breakfast!

Blueberry Pie - This shake smells like blueberry pie cooling on a window sill but it delivers far more nutrition than any pie could. Get your appetite under control with fine rich almonds, good quality fats and plenty of filling protein.

Orange Creamsicle - The flavor of tangy, sweet, creamy orange with will take you back to your childhood, minus the popsicle stick. These are filled with healthy fiber, plenty of omega-3s and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

These scrumptious metabolism-boosting recipes by themselves are worth getting access to the Metabolic Mastery Club, but that still just scratches the surface of what you'll get once you activate your $1 trial.

Here are two other powerful metabolism-boosting tools you'll get access to:

Metabolic Maximizing Tool #2

Interviews with the World’s Foremost Metabolic
Experts on The Latest Metabolism-Boosting
Techniques that Are Working RIGHT NOW...

Dr. Jonny Bowden

- PhD in Nutrition
- MS in Psychology

Now this metabolic tool is simply awesome...

There are new discoveries constantly being made about how to repair, reboot and boost metabolism, but it can be extremely difficult to keep up with everything -- let alone figure out how to integrate these discoveries into our daily lives.

But what if were possible to tap into the brainpower of the small set of metabolic experts who are working in research labs or at clinics, making new discoveries and figuring out how regular people can apply them to get into shape?

Well, that's exactly what you get with Metabolic Expert Interviews -- you get to hear straight from the world's leading authorities on metabolism, fat loss and health.

That's because we've partnered with Dr. Jonny Bowden -- another of our esteemed faculty who lead The Metabolic Mastery Club -- to tap into his deep Rolodex of metabolic experts to tackle some of THE most sticky, difficult and challenging subjects that frequently frustrate people when it comes to fat loss and health gain.

Dr. Bowden has literally spent decades developing this network of brilliant metabolic thinkers and health practitioners and we are fortunate that he has agreed to open that up to you.

Most of these experts charge hundreds of dollars an hour for personal one-on-one consulting as a client or a patient — and that’s even if they are available in the first place as most have a waiting list of 6 months or more just to see them.

But they’ve graciously agreed to take time out of their day to Dr. Bowden pick their brain, get your questions answered, and deliver that powerful advice to you at a fraction of the cost.

Here's just a sampling of the first few interviews that will be IMMEDIATELY available for you to listen to, with a new one coming each and every month:

Stop Hormones from Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

Dr. Sara Gottfried has helped over 10,000 women overcome hormonal imbalances that block fat loss. If you've tried everything and nothing works to move the scale, hormone imbalances could be the culprit.

Rid Your Body of Harmful Metabolism-Damaging Toxins

Dr. Mikell Parsons is an expert on how toxins can block your metabolism, frustrating your fat loss efforts. Even if you exercise hard, eat right and say no to tasty treats, your body won’t shed weight if your liver has gone into a state of hibernation from being assaulted by excess toxins.

4 Simple Tips to Melt Away Belly Fat

Are you tired of your flabby belly or muffin top? Tried everything to burn off that stubborn belly fat, only to watch it sit on your waist unaffected by all your hard work? Dr. Larry McCleary will share 4 simple tips that will help you get rid of this fat on this frustrating trouble spot once and for all.

Increase Your Memory, Your Mood and Your Brain

Over 140 studies have shown that as your weight goes up, the size and function of your brain goes down. But you’re not doomed. Dr. Daniel Amen, the country's leading brain expert, will share the secrets he's learned to increase memory, mood, and your ability to processing information quicker.

You get immediate access to all of this for only $1 when you activate your 30-day trial today.

Activate Your $1 Trial Today and Also Get These
Powerful Metabolic Maximizing Bonuses...

When you activate your $1 trial today (see below for instructions), you'll also enjoy these extra bonuses that will help you maximize your metabolic potential, improve your body shape and bulletproof your brain and body to the ravages of aging:

Bonus #1: On-the-Go Metabolic Videos

The key to maintaining an optimized metabolism is to learn ONE new metabolic tip EACH week. That's why you'll get a short but powerful video weekly that will teach you ONE new metabolic maximizing technique. For example, it could be what foods boost your metabolism, which to avoid, how to stay motivated, busting through fat loss plateaus or getting better sleep. The LAST thing you want is for your metabolism to stall and revert back to its old ways, so this is HUGE.

Bonus #2: Extended Metabolic Support

For some of you, THIS may be the single most important feature. You'll have access to a private members-only forum where our trained nutritionists and metabolic experts will answer your questions. Whether you are struggling with your nutrition, exercise, stress reduction, detoxification, sleep, hormones, cravings or anything else, they'll be there to answer your questions. It's like having me sitting there on your shoulder, answering your questions IMMEDIATELY when they come up -- crucial to busting through fat loss plateaus and staying motivated.

Bonus #3: Exclusive Live Q&A Calls

Join twice-monthly LIVE calls where various faculty members will be talking about things like healthy cooking tips, reviewing the latest in metabolism science, what supplements that actually work, how to battle cravings, and more. We then open up the call and you can talk to me or the other faculty members personally and ask anything that’s on your mind!!!

How to Activate Your 30 Day Trial
$500 Worth of Value for ONLY $1...

There's NOTHING like this exclusive metabolic optimization program available ANYWHERE else, which is why we are SO excited to be able to extend you this exclusive invitation today.

It’s like getting a monthly appointment with a health coach ($250), nutritionist ($100), personal trainer ($75) and personal chef ($50) -- that's nearly $500 in value you'll get for just $1 during your
30-day trial.

And here's the best part -- after the 30-day trial is over the monthly investment is ONLY $77...LESS than the cost of a monthly gym membership, but with 10x the metabolic benefits.

And there's absolutely NO risk to you whatsoever -- you can cancel at ANY time, no question asked!

Folks, this IS an incredible bargain -- less than what most people pay for their monthly mobile phone bill...heck, and even less than what most people's monthly Starbucks tab is!

It literally pays for itself 10 times over when you consider all the money you’ll save on reduced medical bills, doctor visits, prescription drugs… not to mention the improved productivity, focus and energy you’ll have at work or at home with your family.

How to Get a FREE VIP Lifetime Membership...
Never Pay a Penny Again!

We've never seen anything like this before...after your 30 day $1 trial, when you stay a paying for 6 months, you'll automatically be upgraded to a FREE VIP lifetime membership and you'll NEVER be billed again -- EVER! -- NO additional charges, NO recurring billing, NO add-ons whatsoever.

No restrictions, full access to everything we produce for the Metabolic Mastery Club for as long as we run it — something we plan on doing for years to come.

Nobody has ever offered anything like this before so we are thrilled that we've been able to do this for you. We are taking a HUGE risk in offering something as powerful as this, but we know it’ll be worth it -- helping you "lock in" your fat loss, health gain and fantastic new physique.


Be One of the First 200 to Use This Coupon
Below and Get Another $10 Off Your First Month...

Enter Discount Code
1Q499 to Get Another
$10 Off Your First Month!

Because we want to make this as affordable for you as possible, we are offering to take $10 off the first month (after your 30-day
trial is over) to the first 200 people who use the discount code
you see below.

This is one of the most generous offers we've ever made and I am not sure how long we'll be able to offer this discount, so enter the discount code you see below, then click the button right now to activate your 30-day trial for $1 and secure your $10 savings on your first paying month.

Remember, there are only 200 of these discount coupons available, so make sure you grab yours now by clicking the button below and putting in the discount code as instructed.

Enter Discount Code 1Q499 to Take $10 Off Your First Month

After 30 days, I will be billed $77 per month for a MAXIMUM of 6 months after which I'll be upgraded to a VIP lifetime membership and NEVER be billed again. If for some odd reason during my 30-day trial I don't experience faster fat loss, tighter, more toned muscles, elevated energy and a clearer, more focused mind, I can cancel, no questions asked, by calling The Sherpa's 24x7 customer service team at 800-316-8556 or emailing

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Activate Your $1 Trial Today and
Get This Free Fat Burning Report

Free Report 1:

How Skinny People Eat Carbs and NEVER Get Fat

When you take your $1 trial to Metabolic Mastery Club today, you'll also receive, free of charge, the official carb-feast rule book that shows you exactly how to use these metabolic meals to achieve your ideal weight.

In this free report, we'll show you how people formerly overweight people lost the weight and were able to keep it off, while avoiding the frustration of hitting the fat loss plateaus:

  • How long to use the "smart" carb meals before integrating the carb "feasts" to avoid running into a fat loss plateau...
  • Detailed guidelines on how to create your own "smart" carb and "carb" feast meals to suit your own flavor and taste preferences
  • A detailed list of the top metabolism-killing foods to avoid at all costs, including 6 common cooking oils and 9 of the worst inflammatory foods to never eat
  • The #1 rule to follow when it comes to determining how frequently to eat -- this is the best way to control the hormonal response and set you up for fat burning nirvana
  • A handy chart of the best metabolism-boosting foods to eat that includes the best fat burning proteins, fats and carb choices to pick from in every meal

You'll get instant access to this downloadable report when you accept our invitation to give the Metabolic Mastery Club a 30-day test drive for just $1.

Free Report 2:

5 Simples Tips to Trim Belly Fat

Don't you just HATE that feeling of squeezing on a pair of jeans that keep getting tighter and tighter each year... until one day, you just can't fit into them anymore?

Why does this happen? Well, aging does play a role, but 5 little-known belly fat triggers are actually the primary culprits, conspiring together to "lock in" the fat on your belly, and add even more at EVERY chance they can get.

Surprisingly, scientists are also discovering that this belly fat isn't just embarrassing... it's downright dangerous, puts you at risk for diabetes and cancer and even can cut your life short.

But fortunately, you can now get access to this special report, 5 Tips to Trim Belly Fat Fast, which reveals the 5 worst causes of belly fat, but more importantly, outlines step-by-step, scientifically-proven strategies for combating each of these triggers and shrinking your belly.

This report is instantly delivered to you for just $1 when you activate your free trial to The Metabolic Mastery Club. Here's what you'll find in this powerful, belly-shrinking report:

  • Belly Fat Trigger #1 - This is perhaps the worst trigger of all, forcing you pack on fat, sapping your energy and fouling up your mood...
  • Belly Fat Trigger #2 - This culprit is responsible for pushing your belly way out, making your muffin top or beer belly look twice as bad...
  • Belly Fat Trigger #3 - Ever wonder why your belly seems to be a fat magnet? The first place you "expand" when you eat too much? This one is to blame...
  • Belly Fat Trigger #4 - This skyrockets your appetite, forcing you eat more belly-fat packing calories and driving your cravings for salt, sugar and fat through the roof...
  • Belly Fat Trigger #5 - This damages your cellular fat burning factories called mitochondria, preventing them from burning fat for energy, causing belly fat to pile up...

Get access to this special report for only $1 when you activate your trial to the Metabolic Mastery Club Today.

You Won't Find These Metabolism-Boosting, Age-Slowing, Energy-Rocketing Benefits ANYWHERE Else...

Here's a re-cap of everything you’ll get monthly in this exclusive Metabolic Mastery Club:

New Weekly Metabolic Workouts

Keep your metabolism challenged by enjoying these fresh 15-20 minute workout videos that I'll personally deliver weekly. These will ensure you NEVER get bored and your fat-burning, muscle-shaping benefits continue.

Delicious Metabolism-Boosting Recipes

Keep your taste buds tantalized and boost your fat loss by up to 50% more with these mouth-watering new recipes delivered weekly. These delicious recipes will help multiply and accelerate your results tremendously!

Interviews with the World's Foremost Metabolic Experts

Get expert advice on how to deal with hormone imbalances, dangerous toxins, thyroid issues, blood sugar problems, joint pain, stubborn belly fat, or anything else that's blocking your fat loss goals.

On-the-Go Video Tips

We'll take you into our houses and kitchens and show you exactly how we stay trim, fit, happy and healthy. We'll also give you quick tidbits of easily digestible metabolic advice to keep your fat loss and health gain going.

Extended Metabolic Support

Get personal help on our private, VIP forum from our trained nutritionists and metabolic experts. Whether you are struggling with your nutrition, exercise, stress, sleep, or cravings they'll be there for you.

Exclusive Live Q&A Calls

Join twice-monthly LVIE calls with Dr. Teta and Dr. Bowden as they discuss healthy cooking tips, what supplements actually work, how to battle cravings, and more. You'll also get a chance to talk directly to Dr. Bowden and Dr. Teta LIVE.

Enter Discount Code 1Q499 to Take $10 Off Your First Month

After 30 days, I will be billed $77 per month for a MAXIMUM of 6 months after which I'll be upgraded to a VIP lifetime membership and NEVER be billed again. If for some odd reason during my 30-day trial I don't experience faster fat loss, tighter, more toned muscles, elevated energy and a clearer, more focused mind, I can cancel, no questions asked, by calling The Sherpa's 24x7 customer service team at 800-316-8556 or emailing

A Personal Note from Us to You…

We have one more thought we'd like to share. We are a little embarrassed by it, because it took us a long time to figure this out.

When we were young personal trainers and before we went to medical school we had this attitude that body change was about nothing more than willpower.

We thought you either had it or you didn’t. If you didn’t you were weak. If you did, then you had the right stuff.

What we know now, especially after going through our own battles with thyroid issues and weight gain is that willpower is not something you have or you don’t have. It is actually a skill that you can learn.

You see, willpower is like a battery. It can be charged up or completely drained. And the amazing thing about it that you can increase the size and charge of your willpower battery.

Those people we all hate that seem to effortlessly stay on their diets and never miss a day of exercise and intuitively seem to be able to balance their time and their life? They did not wake up with that ability... they developed it as a skill.

It is effortless for them because they developed mastery by accumulating the knowledge, practicing like crazy and eventually developing confidence and competence in the skill of health, fitness and weight loss.

Too many people want it to be easy. But easy is earned.

That is the power of being a member in a community like the Metabolic Mastery Club. You get all the shortcuts and secrets to shorten the distance to go from amateur to master.

It is our hope that you understand there is only one way to the healthy, fit, young lifestyle you want back and that is through stay engaged in the process and slowly acquiring the skill necessary to make it last forever.

We hope you will join us in the Metabolic Mastery Club. It is one of the only places in existence that will teach you all you need to know to make the change for good.

That is why the Metabolic Mastery Club exists.

To help you develop that same skill.

To help you shorten the distance to success.

To provide support when the process gets rough and to provide a map of success you simply could not sketch yourself.

So join us on this journey, become a permanent member of The Metabolic Mastery Club, and watch as you master your own metabolism and absolutely flourish as a result.

Enter Discount Code 1Q499 to Take $10 Off Your First Month

After 30 days, I will be billed $77 per month for a MAXIMUM of 6 months after which I'll be upgraded to a VIP lifetime membership and NEVER be billed again. If for some odd reason during my 30-day trial I don't experience faster fat loss, tighter, more toned muscles, elevated energy and a clearer, more focused mind, I can cancel, no questions asked, by calling The Sherpa's 24x7 customer service team at 800-316-8556 or emailing

i Trapp, E. G., et al. "The effects of high-intensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women." International journal of obesity 32.4 (2008): 684-691.

ii Heden, Timothy, et al. "One-set resistance training elevates energy expenditure for 72 h similar to three sets." European journal of applied physiology 111.3 (2011): 477-484.

iii Godfrey, Richard J., et al. "The role of lactate in the exercise-induced human growth hormone response: evidence from McArdle disease." British journal of sports medicine 43.7 (2009): 521-525.

iv Rudman, D., et al. "Effects of human growth hormone on body composition in elderly men." Hormone Research in Paediatrics 36.Suppl. 1 (1991): 73-81.

v Greendale, Gail A., Sharon Edelstein, and Elizabeth Barrett‐Connor. "Endogenous sex steroids and bone mineral density in older women and men: the Rancho Bernardo Study." Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 12.11 (1997): 1833-1843.

vi Ahtiainen, Juha P., et al. "Heavy resistance exercise training and skeletal muscle androgen receptor expression in younger and older men." Steroids 76.1 (2011): 183-192.

vii Feldman, Henry A., et al. "Age trends in the level of serum testosterone and other hormones in middle-aged men: longitudinal results from the Massachusetts male aging study." The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 87.2 (2002): 589-598.

vii Shakeri, Nader, et al. "The effect of different types of exercise on the testosterone/cortisol ratio in untrained young males." Age (y) 22.1.9 (2012): 21-9.